Guidelines for the Sacrament of Baptism (PDF)

If you are interested in having a child baptized, or in being baptized yourself, your first step would be to either attend our Sunday Services (at either 8AM or 10AM) or contact Heather Mitchell at the Church Office at (610) 461-0490, .

There is no age requirement for Baptism.  Infants to adults are welcome as candidates.

Candidates can be baptized on any Sunday morning.

Once a date has been decided upon, a pre-baptismal instruction appointment will be made to meet with you and the Sponsors/Godparents.

A Baptismal candidate must have at least 1 sponsor.  Parents often elect to have multiple Sponsors/Godparents for infants and younger children.  Sponsors/Godparents must be at least 16 years old.  You may have “honorary sponsors” younger than 16 years old.

Your Sponsors/Godparents must be baptized and have proof (a baptismal certificate or letter from the church where they were baptized) with them at the pre-baptismal instruction appointment.

The role of the Sponsors/Godparents for a child’s baptism:

  • They should maintain a special relationship with the child
  • Be an active member of a parish
  • Practice their Christian faith in a way you admire.

A Sponsor/Godparent is not a legal guardian in the event of a parent’s death, unless that person has been given guardianship in a will!!